In this fast-paced and chaotic world, surrounded by thick clouds of conflict and antipathy; it is as if humanity is drowning in confusion and uncertainty. Only by adopting an intrinsic closeness to nature and its rules, can humans reach the shores of security and wellness.
The main themes of this collection is based around the natural beauty of Maldives, its peacefulness and the simple, traditional lifestyle of its islandfolks. I’ve chosen to showcase these themes using the concepts of minimalism. Simple lines and brush strokes are used to express the serenity of local life in a way that limits disruptions. The calm, colour palette on smooth canvas is meant to soothe the eyes and capture a sense of harmony and simplicity.
The collection encapsulates the everchanging natural world, and all its perfect systems, alive and evolving, and each frame invites the audience to be absorbed into it to find some respite from the chaos of this world; and experience these full spectrum of emotions and feelings for a moment.